This weeks Torah Portion is Deuteronomy 33:1 – 34:12

Coming to the end of the Torah Cycle we read about Moses’s death and the blessing released over the Tribes of Israel.  With this Torah reading we realise that each one of us has a Prophetic Destiny and that the end of the Torah Cycle is actually not an end but a new beginning.  What is this new beginning?  How do we life out our prophetic destiny?  What is the purpose of our lives here on earth and how do we follow God’s Word to fulfil this calling?

This weeks Apostolic Writing is Revelation 22:1-5

This week we end off the cycle of the Torah portions but also get ready to start the new cycle. May you be blessed to live all the days that Abba Father has planned for you on this earth! May His Name be written on your forehead! May His Name be visible in your life, and may you use all you have learnt to reveal Him to the people who are captives in the world. May you inherit your promised land, and may you cultivate it to bring fruit which will remain.

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