This weeks Torah Portion is Exodus 35:1 – 40:38

When do we have enough? So many of us walk with a spirit of poverty and greed that causes us to think that we never have enough. In this Parasha we see that Moses says to the people of Israel to stop giving because they have enough. Now the construction of the tabernacle can start with all the gifts that were brought from the children of Israel.

Almost one year after the Exodus, Israel is ready to erect the Tabernacle in the wilderness. Moses is called to inspect that everything is done according to the instruction of God. In this each one needed to give account TO Moses for their part. Likewise we are called to give account to one another for what we are doing with that which we have received. Once the tabernacle was erected and everything was in its proper place, the Father’s Shekhinah came down, filled it and dwelled among them.

This weeks Apostolic Writings is; 2 Corinthians 9:6-11, 1 Corinthians 3:11-18 & Hebrews 13:10

The people were assembled by Moses… Only in the assembly of all believers can we fulfil our purpose. Each one has to do his or her part in God’s Kingdom, and when we join our talents, gifts, time and also material gifts, we are able to create a dwelling place worthy for Him. God loves a cheerful giver. Give what you have and please fulfil your role in His Kingdom!

The mishkan is God’s dwelling place, and even though we learn a lot about our faith life through it, it is still the place where God dwells, and He expects of us to keep it holy. You are God’s mishkan, His tabernacle, His temple, His house, and you are accountable for what goes on inside of it. May the Ruach HaKodesh lead you to clean house so that it is fit for a King.

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