This weeks Torah Portion is Leviticus 1:1 – 5:6

With the Tabernacle erected God calls unto Moses from this man made dwelling place to establish a Priestly order and gives him the instructions of sacrifices. Today we are called as a royal priesthood with our bodies as God’s living dwelling place to live a life of sacrifice so that we can also live a life of resurrection.

This weeks Apostolic Writings is Hebrews 10:1-18; Hebrews 13:10-15

We are called to serve God daily, and even though we don’t need to work in a physical tabernacle and bring animal sacrifices any more, we can learn from the priests in the tabernacle. We are a royal priesthood through the ultimate sacrifice of Yeshua our Messiah, and we still need to serve daily and sacrifice daily. Let us offer up a sacrifice of praise as often as we can. Let us not become too busy to serve God daily.

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