This weeks Torah Portion is Exodus 30:11 – 34:35

God is not a respecter of person but of faith. Each one of us has been created in His image and has a value before Him. When we understand our value in God it encourages us to walk in righteousness before Him. If we really want to be fruitful and live from God’s provision we cannot be focused on ourselves but we have to dedicate our lives to be of service before God. When we bear fruit it is not for ourselves but for God 

This weeks Apostolic Writings is 2 Corinthians 3:1-18

Moses had to cover his face, as a prophetic deed of things to come, but we do not need to cover our faces. We can and must let the glory of God shine through our works, words and faces. People need to be able to read this love letter called my life.

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