This weeks Torah Portion is Numbers 30:2 – 36:13

Throughout the book of Numbers the Father has taken us on a wilderness journey where He has taught us a number of faith principles. The last two portions of the book of Numbers deal with more of these principles, which the Father wants to teach us in our faith life. Our faith life should remain a journey in which the Father can teach us and should never become a place where we stagnate. When we learn, follow and apply these faith principles our lives become a place of refuge for those around us. We should never move beyond the boundaries of the Promised Land that God has set for us. Within the boundaries that God has given us we find protection and provision.

This weeks Apostolic Writings is Matthew 5:33-37 & James 4:1-12

As believers we need to keep our word. If we say yes or no, people have to be able to rely on us. Yeshua also speaks about this in the New Testament. He even says that we should not swear or make oaths: Our word should and must be enough. There is also room for the times we really cannot keep our word. Watch this week’s parasha and find out more.

When we submit to God, the devil has to flee. How do we submit? By humbling ourselves under His hands, by not thinking that we know better than God. He has given you a specific calling with gifts, talents and a vision to accomplish it. The moment we think we need to do more, be more, be different, grow faster, or even covet someone else’s calling, we are actually telling God that we know better than Him. Let us rather be grateful for the boundaries He gives us and then we don’t even have to think about resisting the devil, because he will know that He cannot tempt us.

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