This weeks Torah Portion is Deuteronomy 1:1 – 3:22

The book of Deuteronomy deals mostly with the Promised Land that the Father gives to the children of Israel. Through this week’s Torah portion Moses starts to repeat the instructions of God in preparation for them to take possession of this land. In hearing these words being repeated we discover that our actual inheritance is the Word of God and when we continually meditate on these instructions we allow His word to become a part of our very being.

This weeks Apostolic Writings is Acts 9: 1-21

This parashah speaks about new beginnings. Moses is reaffirming God’s Word and miracles to a new generation of Israelites and handing over to Joshua and in the Apostolic Writings we see a new beginning for Paul. Paul and Moses have so much in common! They both remind people again and again about God’s Word and they both have an extreme love for Israel.

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