This weeks Torah Portion is Leviticus 25:1 – 27:34

How do the laws of the Smittah year affect our lives today? What can we learn from this portion that points out the importance of restoration and release? When we obey we will always find the hidden blessings of the Father.

Obedience brings forth blessings and fruitfulness. Disobedience brings forth exile. Every day we have the choice of following Him or following our own desires. When we choose His ways He can bless us as He promises in this Torah portion. 

This weeks Apostolic Writings is Luke 4:16-21, Matthew 21:31-46

In this week’s Torah portion, we read about the Shmita and the Jubilee, about freedom and obedience. In the Apostolic Writings we see that Yeshua did indeed proclaim a Jubilee for all men. Everyone who believes in Him can be set free and also restored in the inheritance, which God has given us as mankind right at the beginning of creation.

We as believers have each received a piece of land which we need to cultivate and work for God’s Kingdom. For the completion of this task, He has given each of us unique tools such as talents and gifts. If we decide not to use them and not to work in our piece of the vineyard, we must know that He will give it to someone else. Pray today and ask God to show you your piece of the vineyard so that you may work in it!