This weeks Torah Portion is Exodus 18:1 – 20:23

In this week’s parasha we receive the 10 commandments as given to Israel at the Mount Sinai. These instructions of God give us guidance on how we should live our lives. There is a very big difference between God’s order and man’s order and we have to make sure that in every step of our lives we are following after God’s order. 

This weeks Apostolic Writings is Matthew 8:5-20

In Parashat Yitro we see that the news of the miracles that God had done to liberate His people has spread! Yitro comes to see and hear more about God’s wondrous deeds. At the same time, we see that an order is set in place so that Moses can better deal with this multitude of people. In the Apostolic Writings we also see that the news of Yeshua’s miracles spreads and that great multitudes follow Him. We again see that there is an order, a structure, a set of rules that He abides by when dealing with a multitude.

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