This weeks Torah Portion is Genesis 18:1 – 22:24

Receiving a word from the Father changes our circumstances. When we receive God’s word we receive hope that allows us to see miracles and not look at what our circumstances are telling us. This parasha shows us how God’s continued word changes the destiny of His people.

This weeks Apostolic Writings is Luke 1:26-38, Luke 24:36-53, 2 Peter 2:4-11

In the Torah portion of Vayera, we see the announcement of the birth of Isaac and the life of Isaac up to the point where Abraham has to sacrifice him. In the Apostolic Writings we see that Isaac’s life is a type and shadow of Yeshua, who is our Messiah. His birth is also announced, and He becomes the great sacrifice so that we may live and be His bride. What other connection do we see? Watch the recording to find out!

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