This weeks Torah Portion is Leviticus 6:1 – 8:36

We are called as a Royal Priesthood to serve the Father, Who called us, but how can we serve if we do not take up our responsibility and answer to His calling? The Father desires for us to be in His tabernacle daily sacrificing ourselves so that He can give us beauty for our ashes.

This weeks Apostolic Writings is Hebrews 7:23 – 8:6

We are a royal priesthood – this we know. But every priesthood has a High Priest and ours is the most gracious, understanding and caring one there ever was. He sends us to teach what He has taught us, and while we make disciples, He intercedes for us and them every minute of every day. It’s time that we accept our priestly duties, and it is time that we understand what a wonderful High Priest we have!

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