This weeks Torah Portion is Exodus 1:1 – 6:1

God has prepared a redemption for His people. There is a destiny for every person. We need to discover what the destiny is for us to fulfill in this greater plan that God has for His people. Each one of us is born at a specific time – it was ordained by God – you are not a mistake or accident. You were born to be part of His plan! 

This weeks Apostolic Writings is Acts7:17-35; 1 Corinthians 14:18-25

God has a calling and a destiny for each and every one of us. You are no exception! We have unique callings and unique giftings to help us, but there are also things that God expects from all of us. We see that Moses was called to listen and obey God’s voice and by doing that, miracles happened and a nation was delivered. Yeshua also listened and obeyed what the Father told Him and through His sacrifice of obedience, people and nations have been redeemed.

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