This weeks Torah Portion is Genesis 6:9 – 11:32

The portion of Noah covers a wide time period in the Torah in which many changes occur in the history of mankind. The portion however starts and ends with the lives of men who are righteous and yearn to listen and obey their God. The desire to live a life of righteousness, which we learned in Parasha Bereshit sets the foundation for us to grow into having a willingness to live our lives according to this desire and becoming a people who will listen and obey His word. 

This weeks Apostolic Writings is Matthew 24:36-46, 1 Peter 3:18-22, Hebrews 11:7

Noah was righteous and walked with God and because of that, his life and the life of those with him in the ark were saved. All the other people died a physical death. Through Yeshua, we, the unrighteous, can go through the water of baptism and die to sin and be raised to life so that we may live an everlasting life with Him, the Righteous One. Isn’t it amazing, how water once killed and now brings life?

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