This weeks Torah Portion is Deuteronomy 29:9 – 30:20

This week we receive four life-altering principles in the Torah. By choosing to bring order to our faith lives according to these principles we start to grow more and more into the Father’s image. As we remain teachable and allow Him to shape us He also teaches us to have love and patience with those around us who is also on a faith journey. We are all aiming to become like Him we are all on a different road towards this goal thus we cannot stand in judgment towards one another.

This weeks Apostolic Writing is Romans 10:1-12

Today we stand before Him – hopefully in unity! We are from various nations, have different backgrounds and stories. Some of us have been in this faith walk all of their lives, others just a short while yet. And how did we get here? We chose Yeshua as our Messiah King! And through the work of Yeshua, there now is no Jew nor gentile before Abba Father. We are all believers and now we have the same responsibility, to share the gospel.

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