This weeks Torah Portion is Deuteronomy 21:10 – 25:19

This week we learn all about the Father’s instructions. Although it might seem like a lot of information not relevant to our lives today. If we stop for a minute and take a closer look we will discover that the Father is trying to teach us about His desire for us as a community of Believers and how we should treat each other. Discovering these truths in His word gives us the guidance that we need to conduct ourselves on a daily basis.

This weeks Apostolic Writings is Matthew 5:27-30, 1 Corinthians 5:1-5

In this week’s Torah portion a huge part of the laws are spoken about. In the portion of the Apostolic Writings the focus is on the laws against adultery and sexual immorality. Why is this so important? Why does Paul write about this so often? Well, our body is God’s temple and sexual sins happen inside of our bodies, defiling the temple and making it impossible for the Holy Spirit to live in it. Let us repent of such sins and let us not forget them, so that we won’t trespass in this way again.

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