This weeks Torah Portion is Deuteronomy 7:12 – 11:25

Life comes from the Word of God. Once again this parasha deals with the concept of listening and obeying which is the key to unlocking a life of abundance. What we choose in life determines the direction in which our lives will go. If we acknowledge that we cannot live from bread alone but need the Word of God as well, then we will prosper and experience the fullness of God’s blessings.

This weeks Apostolic Writings is Hebrew 8:11 – 13, Romans 8:31 – 39

Nothing can separate us from the love of God! And as His beloved children, we need to practice and live the ‘new’ covenant, where His law is written on our hearts. If we teach others how to live by His instructions and how to let Him guide us, then the new covenant of which the prophets and the apostles speak will surely come soon. Then everyone will know Him!

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