This weeks Torah Portion is Genesis 23:1 – 25:18

In this week’s reading we read about the death of Sarah and Ishmael. We also read about a bride for Isaac. We learn here about the root and fruit of our decisions. As we follow the promises of God we can make wrong choices which results in wrong fruit in our lives, but when we might right choices it results in good fruit which brings us closer to the fulfilment of His promises.

This weeks Apostolic Writings is Matthew 1:1-17; 1 Corinthians 15:50 -57

Through the life and death of Yeshua, who is our Messiah, we have been grafted into His bloodline and are also a part of the genealogies we find in the Bible. Through His work here on earth, we as His bride are being led and called forth by the Holy Spirit to clothe ourselves with deeds of righteousness so that we can be ready for the great marriage ceremony.

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