When assessing everything in life, it is always important to get to the bottom line. There is a golden thread that runs through from beginning to end in the Scriptures, and we need to discover this golden thread. Once we have discovered that the whole of the Scripture becomes simplistic and not complexed. It is also true concerning the first five books of the Scriptures called the Torah. When we discover this one golden thread this one unique idea then the rest of what we read falls into place and everything makes sense. In this series called Torah Talk we want to have some measuring stick according to which we can interpret the Scriptures. And that measuring stick becomes the vital part of all of our interpretation.

Our faithful viewers know that we have a short recording on the weekly Parashot
by Gerrit Nel, which we send you every week. But what about the portion of the New Testament, which has been added to the cycle of the Torah portions and correlates with it? We have decided to record explanations on these portions as well during the cycle of a year and send them to you, too! Just as the Torah is alive and the Parashot still carry deep prophetic meaning for us to this day, so the New Testament is filled with treasures, to help us in our daily walk. Join us every week on this exciting new venture! Watch Gerrit Nel speak about the Parashot and Tiaan Nel speak about the Haftarah. .

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