In Matthew 5:6 we read: “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, FOR THEY WILL BE SATISFIED!”

We have all been hungry and thirsty. The most basic need of every one of us is food and drink. We can manage in life without many things, but we cannot live without food and drink. The most basic substances that we can associate with food and drink is bread and water and those are also the things we can associate with Yeshua, our Messiah. He is the bread of life. He invites us to drink of the living water. What exactly does that mean? When does Yeshua make these statements? What can we learn from them? And what has all of that got to do with righteousness?

 We have to prepare ourselves as a bride of the Messiah. We need to prepare ourselves with deeds of righteousness. We need to start hungering and thirsting after that righteousness as though we need it as much as bread and water – because we do!

 May this series help you to prepare yourself as His bride, just like Revelation 19:7&8 calls us to do.

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