A Biblical Perspective on Finances

The Scriptures speaks about tithes, offerings and first fruits.  How do we make sense of all these things?  What is the difference between these terms and on what do we give this?  How do we manage the resources, which the Heavenly Father has put into our hands?  How do we apply these principles so that the seed that we sow will produce a harvest?  The Father in Heaven has made this earth to produce a harvest in the natural.  Likewise our giving should also produce a harvest when we apply the principles of the Scriptures and put that which the Father has said into perspective and understand how this seed that we will sow will produce a harvest.

Managing your Money God’s Way

Is tithing still relevant today? Do you understand stewardship? Discover the truth around the spiritual principles of tithing. Learn the difference between, and the purpose of three types of tithing, as well as first fruits and offerings. Your current mindset will be challenged!

How do I make God the Senior Partner in my Business?

Each of us desires that the Father would bless us and grant us prosperity, especially when we are involved in our own business. However, is God’s blessing unqualified and can we expect it without first submitting to His terms? How do I set up my life and what should the condition of my heart be if I desire God’s blessing in my business? Making God the Senior partner in your business is not only a prayer, but has to do with a conviction of the heart.

How do I deal with Resistance in my Life?

We live in a broken world and face constant resistance in our relationships, finances, health, and in the life of faith. Our own insecurity leads us to quickly draw conclusions without knowing the facts through the resistance we experience. Our sense of security becomes fragile and our interpersonal relationships are challenged, leading us to ask, “Why does God allow all of this?”. Perhaps it is time to look at the resistance from other perspectives and learn to deal with it, according to God’s word.

Global Economic Crisis

Every where we are hearing about a global economic collapse. People are taking all kinds of precautions to prepare for this time. Our money does not have any guarantees. There is no promises for us on the notes of this world. Should the worlds currencies amount to nothing what would happen to us. Would we be sitting ducks or is there a way for us to prepare ourselves. What is the remedy? Where do we find the answers. Where do we put our security if we cannot put it in the bank and the assets that we have collected for ourselves. The word of God gives us these answers and the way to a security that never fails.

Globale Ekonomiese Krisis

Ons hoor oral van ‘n globale ekonomiese ineenstorting. Mense tref allerhande voorsorg om vir hierdie tyd voor te berei. Ons geld het geen waarborge nie. Daar is geen beloftes vir ons op die note van hierdie wereld nie. Wat sal met ons gebeur indien die wereld se geldeenhede niks beteken nie? Sal ons sit en wag om te kyk wat gebeur of is daar ‘n manier om onsself voor te berei? Wat is die uitweg? Waar vind ons die antwoorde? Waar stoor ons ons sekuriteit as dit nie in die bank kan sit of in bates wat ons vir onsself opgegaar het nie? Die Woord van God gee vir ons al hierdie antwoorde en die weg na ‘n sekuriteit wat nooit faal nie.

The Mishkan Series – Terumah

Exodus 25:2: “Speak unto the children of Israel, that they bring me an offering (terumah): of every man that giveth it willingly with his heart ye shall take my offering (terumah).”
The word TERUMAH is used for the first time in the Bible in Exodus 25:2 and is also called heave offering or shoulder offering and has to do with the shoulder of man (Lev. 7&10). The shoulder has to do with responsibilities or carrying responsibilities. You cannot be a dwelling place for God if you do not take up the responsibility to live a lifestyle which enables God to live in you and with you as Yeshua said: “And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, (shoulder the responsibility to bring a sacrifice) is not worthy of me.” (Matthew 10:38) You cannot be a dwelling place for God if you do not give. Giving financially is an outward sign of an inward willingness to lay down your life for His life.
APPLICATION: We cannot build a dwelling place for God if we are not willing to give an offering. Make it a responsibility to give material things but also love, time, energy, kindness, patience, forgiveness.