On the cross Yeshua dealt with sin and the image of the serpent manifested in mankind. But the story didn’t end there. Yeshua died so that He could be resurrected. The same holds true for us today. Since we died with Yeshua, we also share in His resurrection. But are we so focussed on our death, that we never fully grasp the power of our resurrection! Like Yeshua, we have died. The sinful man, the image of the serpent, has been dealt with. But a resurrection took place in us! We died so that His presence, His glory could manifest through us. We have become the throne bearers of the King of Kings. Do you live from the position of authority and dominion found in the resurrection or are you still sitting at the foot of the cross? Come away from the place of death into the abundant and marvelous life that Yeshua made available in His resurrection.

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