Some call it the Last Supper. Others refer to it as the Lord’s Table. Regardless of how we label it, the sad truth is that for many, Communion has been reduced to a solemn ritual involving bread and wine we engage in from time to time. Brace yourself: this tradition is but a watered-down shadow, a dull imitation of the powerful, prophetic feast Yeshua instituted during that fateful night. Seeped in the Hebrew feast of Passover during which it was originally instituted, Gerrit Nel introduces the freedom feast that is communion. Tap into the power of this prophetic celebration that proclaims: we have been delivered from the slave master, we have been set free and we will not go back into slavery. Communion is a joyous occasion – a time for rejoicing and fellowship – but also a feast of commitment, of covenant with our Beloved. Partake of the feast that Yeshua prepared for you.




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