This weeks Torah Portion is Genesis 32:4 – 36:43

Each one of us hungers after rest. For us to fully understand and enter into our rest we need to make peace with any current situations in our lives or past events that might hinder us to enter into this rest. When we deal with our past and we make sure that we do not have any roots of bitterness in our hearts, then we can start to live according to the plans and purposes of God.

This weeks Apostolic Writings is Hebrew 11:11-20; Matthew 26:36-46

When we receive a Promise from God, we do not always see its fulfilment. The faith giants mentioned in Hebrew 11 did not see the total completion or fulfilment of God’s Word, and yet they continued to hold on to the promise He had given them by faith. While doing that, they faced their fears and overcame self and entered into rest. This rest is the knowledge that God is and that He is able to do what He has promised. This rest is a rest that surpasses our understanding. This rest is also available for you.

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