This weeks Torah Portion is Genesis 28:10 – 32:3

Our Heavenly Father’s desire is for us to be blessed and to make us fruitful. He created us to multiply and be fruitful. We have to understand this concept of fruitfulness so that we can inherit a new mindset and start to walk in this path of living in fruitfulness and not bareness.

This weeks Apostolic Writings is John 1:19-51

For the first time since the start of the Torah reading cycle, we don’t see a connection between the Torah reading and the Apostolic Writings at a first glance, but when we dive into the Scriptures and start to meditate upon them, we see why this portion from the book of John was chosen as the Scripture for Parashat Vayetzei. God wants us to be fruitful. Joseph had twelve sons and we know that they became the 12 tribes of Israel. He was fruitful in the natural and physical. Yeshua had 12 disciples after the Holy Spirit had come upon Him and we all know that He has and has had so many spiritual children and disciples over the generations! He is fruitful! Let us follow His example and make disciples. Let us be fruitful in the natural, yes, but let us not forgot to be fruitful in the spiritual also…

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