This weeks Torah Portion is Genesis 37:1 – 40:23

Once we have come to the place of overcoming and entering His rest we start to learn how to live in this place of rest. When we enter our place of rest it doesn’t guarantee that our lives will be without challenges. We learn to overcome these challenges and continue to live from our place of promise and rest despite any challenges that might try to hinder our lifestyle of overcoming.

This weeks Apostolic Writings is Matthew 1:16-25; Matthew 1:16-25

In the life of Joseph, we see that he is sold to Egypt by his brothers. Joseph later tells his brothers that this was ordained by God so that he, Joseph, could save them, his brothers. But Joseph didn’t only save his brothers from a death through famine… He also saved the people in Egypt and actually the world as it was known then. Likewise, Yeshua came to save the lost sheep of the house of Israel, but ended up saving the whole world. Through Him, anyone who believes in Him can be joined into a covenant with God.

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