This weeks Torah Portion is Genesis 41:1 – 44:17

There is a bigger plan! Despair and pride wants to rob us from developing during hardship. When we learn to excel despite our outer circumstances we keep our focus on God’s plan for our own lives as well as the bigger plan that is beyond our own lives we place ourselves in a place to be able to be part of His ultimate plan. 

This weeks Apostolic Writings is Romans 10:1-13

Pharao has two dreams and only Joseph can tell him, what they mean. He also tells him what to do about them. Through this, Joseph is released from prison and becomes the second mightiest man in Egypt! When his brothers arrive in Egypt for bread, he recognizes them, but they don’t recognize him. Before revealing himself to them, he tests them. In the Apostolic Writings we see the earnest prayer of Paul: Israel must be saved! And he also explains, how Israel and whosoever wants to, can be saved.

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