The Mishkan – Introduction
The tabernacle of Moses or MISHKAN מִשְׁכָּן, as it is called in Hebrew, is not just a structure used for the performing of religious tasks or a simple place of worship. It is a valued tool given to us by God Himself to show us how He wants to live with us. Each color used for materials, each animal skin, each building material, each spice and stone, each hook and every single embroidery as well as every one of the six objects found inside tells a story of a redemption plan for all of mankind and shows us more of how God wants to dwell among us. The tabernacle is extremely important: 50 chapters in the Bible talk about the tabernacle and four books have the tabernacle as main subject, meaning: If we want to interpret the meaning of those books, we need to understand the tabernacle. The books are: Exodus, Ezekiel, Hebrews and Revelation.
To fully understand the Mishkan and the concept of God dwelling with man, we need to use the Hebrew language, where every letter has ascribed to itself a sound, a pictorial and a numerical value. When a number was used in Hebrew, everyone immediately knew the numerical value and had the picture in their mind to go with it. When we look at the measurements, we’ll see that they are not chosen randomly, but rather tell us an extraordinary tale.
The Mishkan – Time
Where are we really standing in time? Is the tabernacle relevant in the end times? Is it important for us to understand how time works and how does it influence our daily lives? When we start to breakdown all these questions and discover how time works then we can also understand the bigger plans of the Father.
Our Relationship with the Father according to the Blueprint of the Tabernacle
We have a High Priest Who ministers in a Heavenly Tabernacle. This Heavenly Tabernacle was fashioned according to the tabernacle that God instructed Moses to build and we will only be able to understand how God reveals Himself to man when we study this structure. This dwelling place is not built with stones or by man but with living stones by Heavenly Father Himself. We are the building blocks of this dwelling place. The dwelling place which God showed Moses is the design of the Heavenly tabernacle where Yeshua is serving. Thus for us to understand how to be this Heavenly Tabernacle we need to study the tabernacle which the Father instructed Moses that the children of Israel should build. What was God’s intention and purpose for building the Tabernacle? By understanding the purpose of the Tabernacle we also discover how we can become His dwelling place.
Mishkan App Series
Welcome to this wonderful series, where we take a virtual walk through the tabernacle while speaking about the elements and furniture pieces and their meaning for us as believers in this day and age. Each furniture piece tells us something about our personal relationship with the Father. After each teaching we invite you to take time and apply what you have learnt and to teach others about that specific element of faith. We start our journey in the outer court where it is a time of preparation: We receive forgiveness and see ourselves through the eyes of His Word. Thereafter we are ready to enter into His holy place, where we learn that it’s not just about ourselves receiving forgiveness and being transformed through His Word, but that we need to minister unto others and unto God through the power of the Holy Spirit so that HE will be glorified. Finally, we enter into the most holy place where we focus on Him and Him alone, where we decide to lay down self completely and to allow Him to write His instructions on our heart.
Inleiding tot die Tabernakel van Moses
Volgens Hebreers 8 bedien ons Hoe Priester, Yeshua, in ‘n Hemelse Tabernakel, een wat nie deur mensehande gebou is nie maar deur God self opgerig is. Ons lees verder dat hierdie Hemelse Tabernakel ‘n skadubeeld hier op aarde het: die Tabernakel van Moses. Die Tabernakel van Moses bied dus vir ons die beginpunt van ‘n ontdekkingsreis. Die Hemelse Tabernakel waarin Yeshua bedien is ons, die lewende stene. Maar hoe vind ons uit wie ons is, wat ons identiteit as lewende stene inhou? Kom ontdek saammet Gerrit Nel die skadubeeld, die Tabernakel van Moses, die struktuur waarin die waarhede opgesluit le van dit waarin ek en jy as Bruid moet wandel.
Waar staan ons in Tye na aanleiding van die skadubeelde van die Tabernakel
Waar staan ons in die eindtyd en wat moet ons nog verwag na aanleiding van dit wat ons in die tabernakel sien? Wat het bereid gebeur en wat moet nog kom? Moet ons in vrees en bewing lewe omdat ons nooit kan weet wat God gaan doen nie of wil Hy ons voorberei deur Sy Woord, sodat ons gereed kan wees?
God self het die patroon vir die tabernakel aan Moses gegee en in die struktuur van daardie tabernakel vind ons Sy waarhede en baie geheime wat Hy aan ons as gelowiges wil openbaar.
Gerrit Nel praat ook oor dit wat ons moet verwag vir die 23ste September 2017. Baie mense het in vrees gelewe oor dit wat daardie dag in die hemele sigbaar was en sommiges het gedink, dat die ‘wegraping’ sou plaasvind.
Deur hierdie opname kry dit wat gaan gebeur, alreeds gebeur het en besig is om te gebeur ‘n beter perspektief en ons kan begin om onsself voor te berei as Sy bruid, geklee in geregtigheid, sonder vrees maar eerder voorbereid.