Acacia (shittim) wood speaks of Yeshua coming in incorruptible flesh, where He was scourged and chose to die to the flesh. He took upon Himself the image of God and decided to only do the will of the Father. The crown tells us that our worship should crown Yeshua as King, but also speaks about us as a royal priesthood who have undergone a change in our mindset and from our changed mindset, we now worship Him alone. The horns speak about authority and here it speaks about an authority given to you because of a lifestyle of worship.

The altar of incense is connected to the fifth of the six foundations of our faith in Hebrews 6:2, which is “the resurrection of the dead”. Why is this a part of the foundation of our faith? Because the dead cannot worship God (Psalm 117:15) and while we are still dead because of sin, we cannot worship Him. We die to self and die to sin, but then we must be resurrected again – we must be ALIVE! Therefore, it is important that we live out the resurrection life and that is then a true worship unto God. Also: Let us not focus on the gospel of the cross, let us focus on the gospel of resurrection life! Yeshua is risen and He is alive so that we can live a life of freedom in and through Him.

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