Hebrew: Techelet תְּכֵלֶת
Natural value: One of the four colors used to in the making of the woven materials in the tabernacle. The color is won out of the shell of a marine snail and very expensive. Used to dye the robe of the high priest and the blue chord of the tzitzit of a prayer shawl.
Spiritual value: Royalty
Techelet speaks of the royalty of the Messiah.
Messiah means anointed to be king whereas Christ only means anointed one. The two words do not have the same meaning. Yeshua was not only anointed. He was anointed for a specific purpose: TO BE KING. When I serve Him, He – as my King – will look after me with healing, deliverance, redemption, forgiveness and provision. The word Christ does not specify that He is my King. It only specifies that He is anointed.
Techelet thus speaks about Yeshua as King, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Messiah as portrayed by Matthew in his account of the gospel which he wrote to the Jews.
Yeshua is not only our symbolic head. He has all power and should be worshipped as Majesty. He helps me to fulfill the Torah, to keep the commandments (instructions). I bow down before Him and adore Him as my king. God anointed Him to be Messiah, but we also confess Him as King and through that He has the authority to be King.

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