Hebrew: KESEPH כֶּסֶף
Natural value: Money / Payment method (The Hebrew word Keseph means money and sliver)
Silver is the purest form of white.
Spiritual value: Redemption
Definition of redemption: To redeem; to buy back a right which previously existed
We have sinned and given ourselves to the devil. The right to be in freedom so that we can grow back into the image of God had to be bought back for us by Yeshua our Messiah. Redemption is not only about someone else paying a price for me, but also about the purification process I need to undergo. Silver had to be heated again and again on the refiner’s fire and each time, dirt would float to the top and could be taken away until the silver was completely pure. Redemption is a process and must be worked out in our lives. Every silver object in the tabernacle speaks about redemption in process and about being purified in my redemption.

When gold and silver are mentioned in the same verse, it speaks about the possibility of having God’s glory in my life through redemption so that His presence is visible in my life. That happens through a refiner’s fire – where dirt can be removed – and that which will remain, will be holy and pure to God.

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