Hebrew: ZAHAB זָהָב
Natural value: wealth / riches / natural resources
Gold is the purest form of yellow.
Spiritual value: glory / image of God (The image of God is the same as His glory).
Definition of glory: Glory has to do with who you are. In the Bible there are three concepts of glory:
1. The glory I ascribe to God (Hebrew: Kabod כָּבוֹד)
It is how I see God’s glory and greatness. It’s how great I think He is. It changes when I get to know more about Him.
2. The face of God (Hebrew: Panim פָנִים)
It is not the glory I ascribe to God; it is who He really is. His inherent glory.
We do not know the inherent glory of God. We do not know who He really is.
3. How God reveals Himself to us (Hebrew: shekinah שְׁכִינָה)
When God reveals Himself, the revelation we have of Him becomes bigger and closer to who and how He really is. God has more glory than we think. Let’s ask Him to reveal more of Himself to us.
We were created in the image of God – in His glory – and must be changed from glory to glory to glory (from gold to gold to gold). We can only do that to the extent of the revelation we have about Him.

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