Below is a list of all available teachings in Italian. Once you have logged in you will have the unlimited access to our entire MP3 library in all languages. If these teachings are a blessing to you please consider to donate towards our ministry.

A Bride in His image – Florance
The foundation of a believer
Da Passover
Experience God’s blessings Psalm 1 – St. Moritz
Il matrimonio
Il rinnovamento della mente
L’autorita del credente
La Menorah
Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit Vezenza
Seek first the Kingdom of God – Vicenza
Stand & see the salvation of the Lord – Pescara
Tabernacle of Moses
The bride in preparation
The community is God’s plan for victory – Milan
The Lord is my shepherd – Verona
Il Tabernacolo
Returning to the original
Foundation of a believer